The Gospel for the Whole Life
The Gospel is neither a dogma nor an object lesson. It is not an "introductory guide" to the faith, a teaching for babes to be set aside for "more mature things".
The Gospel is the essential promise upon which faith is anchored, nourished, renewed and buttressed against the storms of life.
Consider the outcomes of the Gospel:
1) You have no reason to be selfish anymore because God, in His boundless love, unselfishly offered His one and only Son for you.
2) You have no reason to deflate your worth because He counted you precious enough to ransom.
3) You have no reason to hate anymore because He has offered vindication to you.
4) You have no reason to remain condemned because you have been redeemed into a new creation.
5) You have no reason to give up because your final reward is secured in Christ.
All these and many more stem from experiencing the active and living power of the Gospel.
The Gospel is essential for the whole life.
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